
Here's what people are saying about Oz Reunion.

Brilliant result

After several years of trying to find info of an old school friends where abouts i came across Oz Reunion. I thought same old, same old, but how wrong can you be.I asked two simple questions and within half an hour i was sent a phone number and the rest is history. Thank you so much to the staff of Oz Reunion. Brilliant result.

Snowy Rowe

Such a great asset

I placed a notice on Oz Reunion quite a few years ago and since then I have found a Sister, cousins and an uncle. Low and behold, a couple of weeks ago I got an email reply from Oz Reunion and it was from my Brother. Wow, we are going to meet each other for the first time this week. I'm so excited. Thank you Oz Reunion for being such a great asset.

David Bush

God bless you for this

There is no way I could ever thank you enough!! Had it not been for Oz Reunion, chances are that my 'brother' would have remained dead, as I thought he was. Instead, because of Oz Reunion, I have been able to embrace my brother, to look him in the eye, and to know after 34 years that he's alive, and we can be together again, forever!! There may be miles, but there will never again be distance! God bless you for this. It would have never happened without your website. Watch the video: Click here

Tom Fairfull

What a fantastic website

I had a listing on your adoption website. My son and I have just (last night) reunited successfully thanks to your reunion site. My listing in the ‘Adoption’ section of Oz Reunion was posted for a very short 5 months. What a fantastic website. Thank you Oz Reunion. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Ciao and thanks forever Trisha & Mark. Read their story: click here  

Trisha Lynne Garnett

Reunited with my birth mother after 54 years

Thank you Mike. Through registering on your site I was approached by the team from Find My Family which led to me being reunited with my birth mother after 54 years. We were reunited on April 4/5 2009 (April 5 being my birthday) I also now have a sister and brother and 7 new nephews. To those of you who are still searching please don't give up it is worth it in the end.


A big thank you to Oz Reunion

Through the TV show, Find My Family, who got my details from your website, I was able to be re-united with my Birth Mother and family. A big thank you to Oz Reunion, I now know where I come from, which is very important. Thank you.

Tracy Stephens

Thank you for this great website

When I was little my birth mother disappeared from my sisters and my life this was 1963 .. my dad had remarried and we all moved on. We have both been on a long and exhaustive search trying to piece together the puzzle Kept coming up empty, until Kim stumbled across an entry on Oz Reunion in the Adoption Register. She found a name & looked it up, and low and behold all the information that we have SO DOES POSSIBLY ONE OF OUR LONG LOST SIBLINGS who we know nothing about. This is the first real breakthrough in nearly 40 years and the first small piece of info that has come across our paths. Thank you to the website hopefully we can get the rest of the puzzle solved and move on. This has given us plenty of hope and has made us all a family again ..it has changed all of our lives. Watch the video: click here

Gary Sturdy and Kim

This is better than winning lotto!

Thank you so much , today I spoke to my son for the very first time, oh joy to finally get my one wish i.e. to learn that he was and is and always will be part of a beautiful and very loving family , into which he was welcomed with so much love and joy ,since I had to let him go in February 1969. This is better than winning the lotto!!. Thank you so, so much for your marvellous site, my son Jamie and I met for the first time in thirty eight and half years, on 17th August at Adelaide airport, oh what a wonderful moment, we hugged immediately and I truly thought my heart would burst with love and pride, that this fine young man was actually my son. The pure joy of that meeting will remain with me always. Watch the video: click here

Phyllis Roycroft

How can I ever thank you enough

It was a simple post on your website which led to my adoption reunion through a programme on TV .... like many others here I had nearly given up hope of ever "knowing". I now have my birth mother & 4 siblings in my life and there is plenty of love for all! Finding out about my mother, wonderful brothers & sisters, nieces & nephews & close indigenous family ties are just the beginning. How can I ever thank you enough Mike, for making the phone call that gave me a fairy tale ending.

Jeny OHara

Thanks again for making my dream come true

Thankyou for your website. it is the best thing ever. Well i have found my dad. He is alive and very healthy. thanks to all those people that emailed me and rang me with information. I now have a very large family. My dad has five other children and my mum has two and I'm the oldest of 3 sisters and four brothers. My dad is Douglas John Uerbergang. I'm very happy and my life is complete. I met my dad in July 2007 and the best thing was my mum {Mary} came with me. They hadn't seen each other since i was born. That was 47 yrs ago. It was the proudest day of my life. Not many other people would have the luck as i did to have both birth parents at the meeting.

Vikki Godden

Amazing! Thank you once again

I just wanted you to know that we have been successful in finding Ellen (birth mother) & other family members thanks to your site. As a result of your site, a half-brother that we didn't know even existed. So thank you VERY VERY much!! We felt like we had hit the final brick wall in ever finding anyone else, & then everything just snowballed over a period of 2 weeks. Amazing! Thank you once again for all that you've been instrumental in achieving for us.

Robyn & John Holloway

You have made my life complete

Thanks to your website I have found my 3 Children, twins and a daughter, after 28 years of searching, we have been in contact and i have communicated with the children, I will even be meeting one of them face to face tomorrow , cant thank you enough OZ REUNION You have made my life complete, we are all back together again. Cant believe all this is happening, its like a dream come true for me, my head is still spinning, after 28 Years of searching for them and only a matter of months advertised on your site we are reunited, Thank you so much, OZ REUNION, I may never have found them without your site. Thank You Thank You.

John Remington

No words can express my gratitude

It was my add on your site that brought not only my biological Mother and I together but also my biological Father. I am now surrounded by all these wonderful people, who have so much love and joy at finding me after 41 years of wondering if I was safe and happy. It is an amazing experience and they are beautiful people. I'm still in the process of meeting their families and have 7 half brothers and sisters to meet as well. Not a day goes by that I don't smile at all that has happened in such a short time. Thank you again for providing Australia with such an easy way to reunite people.


You have changed my life

I would like to thank Mike and the team at Oz Reunion for helping me find my family after 27 years, I was reunited with my birth mum and siblings. On the 4th of May 2014 we were all together reunited as was. Thank you Mike for all your help. You have changed my life, and from overnight being an only child I have gained so much.


Oz Reunion changed our lives

After twelve and a half years of searching for our older sister, I found her two years ago thanks to my very small post that had been sitting on Mike's website for a few years. I had found my birth family in the mid 80s, and a chance comment in 2000 started this search. Even though we'd all met up two years ago, it was only three weeks ago at our youngest sister's surprise 60th birthday lunch that we were all together for the very first time in our lives. Words cannot express our thanks enough - Mike, without you and your website, our lives would not be filled with the happiness we now have.


A million thanks for the incredible service

Very pleased to say that my brother saw the entry I posted in Oz Reunion on March 7 and emailed me last week. All we knew was his birth name and that he was born a few years after me. We are now in contact - after 49.5 years. A million thanks for the incredible service you offer!


There is a type of friend that sticks closer than a brother and without them there is a large hole in your sole. Mike, you have given and are still giving a lot of people hope. If you have nothing else but hope, its a base to work from and then faith will spring forth. Thank you for being so faithful and administrating this website, especially for Australians. Your mates and those who know you owe you big time. Thanks Mike from all of us who you've blessed and about to bless.
Just for being there and doing what you do.

David Chancellor
Northside Brisbane

I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for the work you are doing, if only some of the Govt agencies would be as concerned for the welfare of others, when I read some of the other listings I realise I'm not that badly off, it just breaks your heart ! It is only when you learn that you have been adopted that you can understand what feelings people have, and the pain and anguish of those who have been looking for years without success. I can only say to my fellow adoptees don't give up the search, sometimes the smallest thing can prove to be the key that opens the door, so read and re-read the things you can get your hands on and do a reverse search of family names through the on-line facilities of Births Deaths & Marriages in your state (check Deaths in particular to get parent's names, mother's maiden names and work backwards into family histories), I know that cleared up a few problems I had. Keep up the good work Mike, for you have helped so many in the time Oz Reunion has been active. Your site literally puts people's broken lives back together again, not many people can claim to have achieved that in their own lifetime.

Brian Morris

Thank goodness I finally found your AUSTRALIAN site!!!  Wasted months being stuffed around by useless American sites. Will pass this on to every-one. Many thanks, LP

Hi I'm Linda Damm i have been to your site many times i think you have a great web site for reuniting family and friends, thanks for the site

Saw your website advertised on sunrise, and thought what a great idea. Will have a closer look one day and see who I can find. Ned "mango" ( from Warrnambool @ late 1970's)

Wow! What a blessing. I have been searching for my half sister for 15 yrs and MAYBE this site is what i'm after Fingers Crossed !!! Great site. Thanks a Million! Mychel

Thank goodness for this site!!!! The U.S. has so many sites which have been useless for Aussies. Maybe now we can get somewhere!  Thank you again.  Denise Arkins

I saw your web site on Can We Help last night and I thought I would investigate it and what I saw I liked and I will be registering my name as I am just trying to find my birth mother. Keep up the good work and thank you. Carol (Yamba NSW)

It is wonderful to have an Australian site where you can register details.  I found this site through a search engine & was thrilled to find it. keep up the good work. Kathy.

It's good to find a site here in good old oz as most of them are in the USA. Patricia

Fantastic at last an Aussie site. Great work. Gaye Martin Melbourne

Only found this site today. Fantastic! Brought happiness to so many people. Thankyou. Geraldine Doenicke, Drummoyne Sydney.

Thank you for the site.  I know it will help many. Denise Spratt

Well done guys about time we have somewhere to look, yippee. Y Fitness

Very impressed will be back to register in near future thank you yours truly William Ramsey Griffiths

This site is amazing i will be posting a search very soon with the rest of my family for someone very special that we miss with all our hearts. Fingers crossed, thanks Amber Eder/ Gordon

So good to find a quality site to reconnect with lost friends and acquaintances. Joanne Parker

Thank you  for providing a site for Aussies to trace their families. I think the loss of our families is one of the saddest  experiences, home children have  to deal with. Once again, thanks for all your efforts. Leonie Sheedy

Well done! Just great to have an Australian site. Yvonne.

I heard about your web sight on weekend sunrise today I'll be back to to see if I can find my friends soon. Only in Australia, about time  Ann Denn nee [Fletcher]

I think your website is a great idea. It is easy to use and it looks like it helps family and friends come together after some time, Well done. Katrina Oliver

This looks like a terrific web site. I have found names easily, especially when I know their approx age or State. There are lots of long lost family I really need  to find.. one in particular. Hope your site gets more publicity, as so many people feel as it's all just a big brick-wall when dealing with gov. depts. and give up. Nice to know you are there, I will be back. Thanks. Viv, Wodonga. Vic

I am really impressed by the speed and reasonableness of your operation and I would have no hesitation in commending it to others. Peter

It is so nice to know that I can look up an Oz site and maybe hope of seeing my adopted sons name there one day. Great site. Carolyn Cassidy

I am so glad to find this website, it gives me a lot of hope finding my birthmother. Julie M.O'dwyer

WOW  I was told about your web site today and I am very impressed. The amount of information that you are able to help and supply people  with  is  excellent I will  be recommending your site. Cheers a job well done. Carolyn  Jackson, Tasmania

Great site, much needed service, well set-up. Thank you, Lynn Davies

I have been trying to find ways to discover my half brother and have kept coming upon dead ends, thank you for having some where that is local and relevant to Australia and hopefully I will have good news to report one day. Fiona.

I've finally found an internet site for Aussies to track friends down. Karen Smith

Thanks to Oz Reunion, we found Garry Brown, thankyou for your site, cheers from Kay Smoothy

So many of us...all searching for someone we love!!  For me, it's my Sons. Only GOD knows if I will meet them again. To all who search, May you be so blessed in your search. Penny Rohrlach (nee Dance) Sunshine Coast, Qld, Australia

Great website glad to see an Australian one. Maxine

Great site, very helpful in locating adopted sister. Chris Robinson

Thank you very much, your site has given me some hope and a little extra courage to keep on looking for my birth mother. Trish Bowen

Thank you so much for setting up this site. I had a hard time finding somewhere I could put an add into to try and find some family. Here's hoping anyway. Thanks again SHERENNE FLANAGAN

So happy to find an online registry site that hopefully will be successful in reaching the daughter we never met. J & R Smith.

Good idea, good website, keep up the good work. Regards Peter Cobcroft

I would just like to thank Mike for this site, through this site I have found my 2 sisters who i have been searching for over 30 years, prior to finding this site, i had hit a dead end in my search, now that we have found each other, we chat every single day and i am at the moment trying to save up to visit Australia, I live in Scotland. So once i get to meet my sisters in the flesh i will send mike some photos mike  can use on the website. If you are searching for a lost loved one, please don't give up, look how long it took me, and now that i have found my sisters, the missing parts of my heart have been restored, once again a huge thankyou. Denise Higginson.

Well I cant say enough about this site ... I posted here nearly six years ago and finally I found my family being my birth mum and two older sisters , distance is a problem to be reunited BUT the internet is a great thing and makes distance not seem so great. Thanks for all your hard work Mike...you are an inspiration and i wish you all the best. Thanks Di

Thankyou so much for all the effort that you put in to helping people like myself . Very much appreciated . Regards Marg.

This site is one of the best I have seen so far! With all of the success stories, who wouldn't use it! Cameron Diggle, Wollongong, NSW.

Thank you very much for your prompt attention to my registration  Your website is most necessary and you must be very community minded to set it up. Barbara Biddle

Hi my names Tonia, great to have a site that people can find old friends!

I'm amazed at the information you have on this site.  Bravo Zulu. Erwin Hodikin [Canada] .

This site is great for Australians, thank you very much for providing it.  S. O'Hagan

Thankyou so much for this "Aussie" site.  At last a site where we can get some results! Judy Mac

What a great way to try and locate past friends Good on you. Bob Dobson.

This site may well help me find my brother and sister. Thankyou for providing such a great service. Jonathon Woodgate

Thankyou 4 your site, i just hope i can find my brother, if you do my husband is going to find his daughter, so that will be another one for your sight, also i will tell everyone about the wonderful work you are doing good luck in the future, jenny.

Using your lost contact site, would have to be the best move that I made. Recently my father logged on to the site and found my paragraph. After 34 years apart, contact via email has finally been made and a lot of unanswered questions have and will be answered. Thank-you for being there for me to find, and Thank-you for being there  for Dad to find. He is alive and well! Julie Thompson

Just stumbled across your site. Lots of people in Ireland will be interested. Going to e-mail all my friends about it. Shay Carberry Dublin Ireland

This is Ray Bingham previous from Doveton Victoria, and I found this site the most interesting one that I have been to, absolutely fantastic!

Good luck to everyone trying to find someone important to them. I know I don't think I could live the rest of my life not knowing who my biological father is. Liam Mulcaly

What a great website for Australians , will be back. Michala Wagner (nee Sleigh) Qld.

I too would like to congratulate you on this site.  My search has been so frustrating in the past because of so few Aussie sites to look at.  Good on you!! Garry Bathis

I am very excited to find your site I hope it will help me to find my dear friend. Yvonne Coursh.

Thanks for the opportunity to tell other about our forthcoming reunion. Regards. Dave Helman.

GREAT SITE GUYS!!!!  made life much easier in organising our school reunion, Haley (warilla) n.s.w

This is a great site for a Canadian missing a special Sydney girl. I'll be back to sign on in hopes of reconnecting. Cheers Bob Best

Thanks for an Aussie site for tracing people. The web is crammed with USA sites, so annoying! This is an excellent tool for > family history, well done.  Jillianne

A place to start when looking for people for school reunions KYM NAPIER.

Very nice to see an Australian site, I personally am missing a lot of Australian friends and hope to find them through this site! David Palmer  

I just found your site today, will be back. Gaye Martin. Melbourne

Great site, great idea would have liked to have had a reunion from my school. Geoffrey Quincee  

Fantastic site. Sick of all those American sites. Good job. Dominic Willis.

Excellent site, keep up the great work!!! Robyn Dwyer

Your web site is great. Good to see so many reunions. I will be using this site in hope to find my brothers and sisters. Allan William Ross

I am so glad to see an Australian site that is so helpful.  Deborah Baker

Thank you for your site. Today i was contacted by the BROWN descendants through query they made to your site following the earlier query on WERREY that i previously posted to your site. Without your site i could not have made contact with them - since they have Victorian and Western Australian links now and thus would never be found in South Australia no matter how long i looked. Your site is most appreciated Regards Suzanne Maiden  (Sth.Australian Public Trustee Office)

Great to have an Australian site. Good one! Sue Williams

Although I have not enrolled on your site I think it's a terrific idea. I myself will be joining to try and find long lost paternal cousins. Keep up the great work. Ruth Allan (nee Drummond).

Oz reunion does really work, I have just received my first email from a dear friend that I have not spoken to in 30 years.   What a surprise! Thanks again for a good service. Doug Lewis

First timer found your site easy to use will be back again soon. Kym  Napier  ( SYDNEY)

This is a great idea for everyone who is planning on a reunion especially since the world is becoming more technologically minded. Thanks for the idea. Toni Cullen

I wish to thank you and your Website for the great success on our 50th and last reunion for (Willagee Primary School West Australia) that was made possible by posting a message on your site. Thank You Thank You. Brenda Pittman

Great to have such a service! Regards, Jan Dunwoodie, Principal, Beaufort Primary School


A site worth visiting. Terry Jean Wong (nee Leahy)

Thank you for the wonderful site. Luck to all. Brenda

My name is Christie as i continue the search for my grandmother i thank god for this site ..thanks Oz Reunion

Great idea to bring people together who have lost contact for whatever reason. Great site thanks. Parna Lawless (Callard)

Hi there, I am happy to say that Tony has made contact and we are now keeping in regular contact.  Thank you for having such a website on the internet for people in search of lost contacts, friends, relatives, etc.! Regards, Ellen

Thank you.  The info was passed on by an ex-WRAAF colleague.  I now have had the opportunity to reach more of our ex-WRAAF to let them know about the reunion in October 2004.   I have also passed on the site to others with upcoming reunions being planned.   Trish (Oz Reunion client)

Many thanks for this site, our group have been working hard to advertise the big day for the Kingaroy reunion. Keep up the good work and hope other reunions are successful in their venture because of your promotion. Sherenne Powell (nee Greenslade), Dalby

Great site, sick of all the American sites, now I know where to go for an Australian search. Good one! Lynne

I have placed an ad looking for my natural father or siblings now I come and view the site every few days looking at the new listings in case I know anyone that I can pass messages on to. Daphne Roberts nee Daphne Fulton nee Daphne Sams

Great idea! It is  frustrating to lose touch with friends and heart breaking to lose touch with family.  But what a pity women STILL change their names when they marry - it  is a custom which should have been dropped! Una

This is a great way to get in touch with people that you cant find. Gail Moreno

Thankyou for your site it is great to be able to post a message in hope of contacting lost family friends. Joan Coleclough.

It is 45years since we left Grade 8 . We have had reunions in 1983 and 1993 and hope via your site to reach others and make this the best one yet. Thanks for your service. Gloria Humphreys.

Thankyou for your great site.  I'm creating a school reunion in January 2003 and hope to get 50 people there.  Your site allows me to get the information to many more people. Regards Craig Read.

I was pleased to find a site that I could place my listing I now have a little more hope of finding My Grandmother. Sincerely Marie Ford.

Hello, and thank you for your site, I didn't know where to start when looking for other students from my high school, and we are coming up for our 10 years post. Thanks to your site, I have registered an event and looking forward to hearing from other students. Renee Ball-Brown

Willa Jones Your City :   Jacksonville, FL USA. Comments :   I have been to many bulletin boards looking for a place to post about an adoption search in Australia and never found it until now. This is great. I have posted on the adoption register.

Gdog Your City :   Bathurst Comments :   This has just grown to busting in the last twelve months, CONGRATULATIONS on a great idea turned into a reality..... colin

Barbra Your City :   Beaudesert Qld Comments :   This has been a very helpful site. I visit it every night and have found more information than I ever expected. Thankyou

Barbara Your City :   Drouin 3818 Comments :   Love to check the adoption register site regularly - get goose-bumps when I see the red flashing REUNITED!! Keep up the good work

Sue Gazzard Your City :   Exeter Comments :   This seems like a wonderful site I've been looking for years for a way to look for my adopted daughter. Keep up the good work. thanks!

David Your City :   Waynesboro Comments :   I hope and pray I can find my real dad before it's to late. I thank OZ Reunion for giving me this chance. may god bless

Denise Your City :   Lakehaven Comments :   What a great service this site is doing for people searching for others. There is a definite need for this type of service,I do hope that the word spreads fast & many more people visit, so there are many more reunions. I thank you for listing my search

karen Your City :   sth gippsland Comments :   Found this sight in the new net mag what a great idea, hope to see a few more names in here keep up the good work. Best of luck to everyone.

marty Your City :   Mooloolaba Comments :   Well done the organisers.This is a much needed and welcome site,glad the Scousers list published your details. Nice work....keep it going

Roslyn Your City :   PERTH Comments :   Read about this site in the "Sunday Times". Excellent idea Mike. I hope it brings joy to many people.


Laura Your City :   Perth Western Australia Comments :   This is such a wonderful idea! One of the best on the net. Wish you success

Barbra Your City :   Beaudesert Qld Comments :   This has been a very helpful site. I visit it every night and have found more information than I ever expected. Thankyou.


Deb Your City :   Perth Comments :   Well, I'm impressed ! Finally a way to find old mates. Well done.

Carolyne Your City :   Sydney Comments :   Your web-site is brilliant.I hope it brings all these people together

judy Your City :   sydney Comments :   have just started using this site after reading about it in the Net Guide mag. Hope its a winner because the idea is great

Lynda Your City :   Tweed Heads NSW Comments :   Congrats. Is that corks I hear popping?! I'm sure you will have many success stories. Good Luck to all who participate.

milliedog Your City :   newcastle n. s. w . Comments :   11/26/00 10:21:14 a very good site and hope it does very well just what we need for australians GOODLUCK

maggi Your City :   brisbane Comments :   great to see a sight that can reunite people back together. The site is very well laid out and easy to use.

Jim Your City :   Canberra Comments :   This is the best aussie site i've found, to help me find my high school girlfriend. I'll keep coming back

mary Your City :   horsham Comments :   This is one great website!

Carolyne Your City :   Sydney Comments :   Your web-site is brilliant.I hope it brings all these people together

Robyn Your City :   Gold Coast Comments :   these sites are invaluable, so many people lost to us for a variety of reasons. Thank you for setting up this site.

samantha Your City :   melbourne Comments :   It's a great and easy site to use. Congrats on a great site.

Trish Your City :   BRISBANE Comments :   Wonderful opportunity to try and contact long lost friends and family. Thanks for the effort.

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